Theme: “Indigenous Peoples, human health, planetary and territorial health and climate change: a rights-based approach”.
Dates: 17-28 April 2023
Location: United Nations Headquarters, New York
The twenty-second session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues will take place in-person only.
For New IPOs and Academics participating for the first time at a session of the Permanent Forum:
a. First, carefully read our participation guide. You must create a new profile in our integrated Civil Society Organizations (iCSO) System.
Participation Guide for New NGOs and Academics: https://bit.ly/unpfii22-new-ipos-academics
b. Deadline for online application for approval: 13 March 2023.
For NGOs with ECOSOC Status, IPOs and Academics that have participated at previous sessions of the Permanent Forum
To participate in the 2023 session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues:
a. First, review and update your contact details in our integrated Civil Society Organizations (iCSO) System: http://bit.ly/unpfii-updatecontact
b. Register by 4 April 2023: https://indico.un.org/e/unpfii22
Quick Guide for Indico Conference Focal Points (EN): http://bit.ly/indico-cfps
Provisional Agenda for the twenty-second Session (E/C.19/2023/1)